Apply For Sponsorship
We're committed to providing you with the best bars for your competitions. That's why we've streamlined our sponsorship process to make it easier than ever to collaborate with us.
1. Review Rules and Requirements
Before submitting your application, please carefully review our rules and requirements to ensure your events align with our sponsorship criteria.
2. Submit Your Application
Complete the application form below, providing detailed information about your powerlifting meet and sponsorship needs.
3. Application Review
Our team will review your application and notify you promptly regarding the status of your application.
4. Acceptance & Information Sharing
If your application is accepted, we will reach out to share all necessary information about the sponsorship process and requirements.

Rules & Requirements
- Eligibility for sponsorship requires that you organize and run a minimum of 10+ meets per year.
- Your events, on average, have more than 25+ participants/competitors.
- Your meets are hosted within the contiguous US.
- Texas Power Bars must be used on the competition platform at all meets.
- Permission must be obtained from TPB prior to being named as a sponsor of any event.
Ready to Work Together?
Once your application is submitted, our internal team will review to see if we are a good fit.
If we accept your application, a member of our team will be in touch regarding sponsorship packages and offers!
Proof On The Platform
Countless Records Broken
Hundreds of state, national, international and world powerlifting records have been and continue to be set and broken on the The Texas Power Bar.

Records Broken With Texas Power Bars
•1985 Fred Hatfield 1002lb Squat
•2007 Charles Bailey 1102lb Squat
•2016 Tiny Meeker 1102lb Bench Press
•2016 Yuri Belkin 992lb Deadlift at GPA World championship in Moscow
•2017 Joseph Pena 1025lb Squat at Texas High School championships.
•1994 Mark Hanlon and 8X Mr. Olympia Ronnie Coleman pulled 1200lb deadlift with the Texas Power Bar.

World Powerlifting Championships
•2010-2011 United States 🇺🇸
•2012 Argentina 🇦🇷
•2013 Finland 🇫🇮
•2014 Australia 🇦🇺
•2015 United States 🇺🇸
•2016 Russia 🇷🇺
•2017 Argentina 🇦🇷

NFL Combine
In the beginning:
1st World Championship for the Texas Power Bar was 1984 in Dallas, TX.
•1981 Senior Nationals
•1982 Nationals
•1983 Teenage and Collegiate Nationals
•1984 High School Nationals, Women's Nationals, Junior Worlds